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https with free Let’s Encrypt certificate

https with free Let’s Encrypt certificate published on

This how to was created, before wildcard certificates were possible.


  1. Install lets encrypt
  2. Get a certificate
  3. Add the certificate path to apache config

Get a certificate with certbot

Let's encrypt recommends cretbot to create and renew a certificate. For openSUSE we can follow the steps from, below the steps summarized:

chmod a+x /opt/certbot-auto
/opt/certbot-auto certonly -d <SUBDOMAIN> --webroot -w /opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/

You could add multiple domain names with -d if needed.

After that, the certificates are stored at /etc/letsencrypt/live/ . Now change in the SSL configuration of /etc/apache2/conf.d/ this two lines and reload apache2:

SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/<SUBDOMAIN>
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/<SUBDOMAIN>

Automatically renew the certificate

It is recommended to run the renew script daily (see ). The certificate actually is renewed, if the expire date is < than 30 days. A let's encrypt certificate by default is valid 90 days.

Add a cronjob with crontab -e and add following line:

45 00 * * * /opt/certbot-auto renew --no-self-upgrade --post-hook "systemctl reload apache2"

This will run certbot-auto daily and with "post-hook" apache2 is reloaded, if the certificate is renewed.
Create certs for Apache reverse proxy

Certbot has a plugin, to automatically create a certificate for all subdomains. To create the certificat run:

/opt/certbot-auto --apache

The script will ask you, to select the domains, choose all then a certificate is generated and a https config for every subdomain.

If you add a new subdomain you then the certificate could be renewed with the new subdomain included with this command:

/opt/certbot-auto certonly --apache --expand
systemctl restart apache2.service

Windows server with Apache

Install according to
Steps are first downloading and extracting, then run letsencrypt.exe from command line:

letsencrypt.exe --plugin manual --manualhost --webroot C:\apache2\htdocs

Certificates are stored at:

  • Key: "C:/programdata/letsencrypt-win-simple/"
  • Cert: "C:/programdata/letsencrypt-win-simple/"

This both certificate have to be configured in "C:\Apache24\conf\example.conf"
Task Scheduler has a renewing job which runs daily