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Make Shutter the Default Screenshot Application on Linux Mint

Make Shutter the Default Screenshot Application on Linux Mint published on
  1. Install it with sudo apt install shutter
  2. Make shutter start on login within shutter go to Edit > Preferences >Behavior and choose "Start Shutter at login" on the top
  3. Create custom shortcuts, open the Keyboard preferences via start menu and add three custom shortcuts:
    • Shutter Screenshot Select Area: shutter -s, shift-ctrl-print
    • Shutter Screenshot Window: shutter -w, ctrl-print
    • Shutter Fullscreen: shutter -f, prin

Edit 2023-12-07

Shutter has some problems lately when connected to thunderbolt dock. It leads to a black screen. I suspect 4k on my laptop together with x11.

Changed to an alternatvie, flaemshot.

To use it with printscreen follow and use flameshot gui as command.

Check out /usr/bin/flameshot --help.

If it flickers when taking the screenshot, it could be because of fractional scaling. Happened on a USB3 dock, probably related to
Solved it with changing to 175% instead of 150%.