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Update PiHole in docker-compose

Update PiHole in docker-compose published on

After you installed PiHole according to Install PiHole in docker-compose on Ubuntu Server you probably want to run regular updates.

With docker compose you simply could run this:

cd /opt/pihole/
sudo docker-compose stop
sudo docker-compose rm -f
sudo docker-compose pull
sudo docker-compose up -d

thanks to

Run Gmail in Different Firefox Profile on Linux Mint

Run Gmail in Different Firefox Profile on Linux Mint published on

I want to have a separate Firefox profile for my Google-Account, primary used by Gmail.
I use Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia.
I want to have an own icon in the task list, and the Gmail profile should not be opened in the Firefox "Icon Group" (don't know the correct name)

Steps to Achieve That

  1. Create a new Profile
    1. run Alt+F2
    2. enter firefox -P
    3. Add new profile, call it "Google"
  2. create a new file ~/.local/share/applications/GmailFF.desktop and with this content:
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Gmail Firefox
    Exec=firefox -P Google --no-remote --class GoogleFF
    Comment=Open Firefox with Google Profile

    The magic is coming from StartupWMClass, now Firefox for profile Google opens like a different program (found at

  3. Search for "Gmail Firefox" (or whatever Name you defined above) and open the profile.
    1. Pin the program to the tasklist
    2. Log in to Gmail-Account
    3. Change "Homepage and new windows" to in Preferences
    4. Change "Default Search Engine" to Duckduckgo in Preferences
    5. Install add-ons Ublock Origin and Privacy Badger

Install PiHole in docker-compose on Ubuntu Server

Install PiHole in docker-compose on Ubuntu Server published on


This will document how to install PiHole on an Ubuntu server. PiHole will run in docker-compose with couple including some volumes from the host, so data could be stored during updates. The docker container for pihole should be is ephemeral.

Base Installation

the following steps are done according to pi-hole/docker-pi-hole

Run this steps:

  • Install docker compose installed on with sudo apt install docker-compose

  • For the following use install folder /opt/pihole

  • create docker-compose.yaml in /opt/pihole/, below is the final version incl the volumes which are added later:

    * version: "3"
    # More info at and
      container_name: pihole
      hostname: yourserver-pihole
      image: pihole/pihole:latest
        - "53:53/tcp"
        - "53:53/udp"
        - "67:67/udp"
        - "80:80/tcp"
        - "443:443/tcp"
        ADMIN_EMAIL: ''
        DNS1: ''
        DNS2: ''
        PIHOLE_BASE: '/opt/pihole'
        TZ: 'Europe/Zurich'
        WEBPASSWORD: '...'
      # Volumes store your data between container upgrades
        - './etc-pihole/:/etc/pihole/'
        - './etc-dnsmasq.d/:/etc/dnsmasq.d/'
        - './letsencrypt:/opt/letsencrypt/'
        - './letsencrypt/lighttpd-external.conf:/etc/lighttpd/external.conf'
        - './fakewebroot/.well-known:/var/www/html/.well-known'
      # Recommended but not required (DHCP needs NET_ADMIN)
        - NET_ADMIN
      restart: unless-stopped
  • You now can start it with with: docker-compose up --detach

  • You now can connect to, make sure you don't login with the defined WEBPASSWORD, your conneciton isn't encrypted yet.

Certificate with Let's Encrypt

The Admin interface isn't encrypted yet, therefore we want to run the let's encrypt (certbot) on the host machine.

Below was done with information from

  • We first create a folder /opt/pihole/fakewebroot and /opt/pihole/letsencrypt.
  • Above we already added two volumes:
    • ./letsencrypt:/opt/letsencrypt/ to copy the combined.pem and fullchain.pem in
    • ./fakewebroot/.well-known:/var/www/html/.well-known which will be used by certbot for to safe the challenge
  • With this we can run the following command to get the initial certificate:
    sudo certbot certonly --webroot /opt/pihole/fakewebroot/ -d
  • Lighttpd needs a combined.pem which is not automatically created by certbot, so merge them to the letsencrypt folder in our pihole directory. Further copy the fullchain:
    sudo cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/  /etc/letsencrypt/live/ > /opt/pihole/letsencrypt/combined.pem
  • create a lighttpd-external.conf file in the letsencrypt folder, the file was already added via volumes in the beginnen, but here again:
    • Add file with volume command
  • Add the following to the lighthttpd-external.conf, make sure you have the correct file names for ssl.pemfile and

    $HTTP["host"] == "" {
      # Ensure the Pi-hole Block Page knows that this is not a blocked domain
      setenv.add-environment = ("fqdn" => "true")
      # Enable the SSL engine with a LE cert, only for this specific host
      $SERVER["socket"] == ":443" {
        ssl.engine = "enable"
        ssl.pemfile = "/opt/letsencrypt/combined.pem" =  "/opt/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem"
        ssl.honor-cipher-order = "enable"
        ssl.cipher-list = "EECDH+AESGCM:EDH+AESGCM:AES256+EECDH:AES256+EDH"
        ssl.use-sslv2 = "disable"
        ssl.use-sslv3 = "disable"
      # Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
      $HTTP["scheme"] == "http" {
        $HTTP["host"] =~ ".*" {
        url.redirect = (".*" => "https://%0$0")

Renew Certificate Automatically

In the section before we already added the well-known folder /opt/pihole/fakewebroot/ and it is already added as volume in docker-compose.yaml

We now need a post action for the timer renewing, create a post hook file. Add the file with

sudo vim /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/

With this content:

cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/ /etc/letsencrypt/live/ > /opt/pihole/letsencrypt/combined.pem
cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/ /etc/letsencrypt/live/ > /opt/pihole/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem
/usr/bin/docker-compose -f /opt/pihole/docker-compose.yaml down &>/dev/null
/usr/bin/docker-compose -f /opt/pihole/docker-compose.yaml up --detach &>/dev/null

And make it executable

sudo chmod +x /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/

This will copy the new certificate in to the correct folder and ensures, the docker container es restarted, so it will have the new ceritificate.

You can test whether your script works properly with a dry-run

sudo certbot renew --dry-run

If docker ps shows a new container id after that, the container was restarted successful.

With sudo openssl x509 -noout -text -in /opt/letsencrypt/combined.pem | grep Validity -A3 you will see, whether the new certificate was copied correctly (doesn't really work shortly after the installation, because you have no new certificate)


Now you can use the IP address of as you DNS server address.

You can now use to check your server.

Connect with Android Keepass to Hetzner’s Storage Box

Connect with Android Keepass to Hetzner’s Storage Box published on

The goal is to connect Keepass2Android (used version 1.07b-r0) on Android to the Keepass database on a Hetzner Storage Box. In it is described, how to connect and store your Keepass DB to the Storage Box.

Now we want to connect the mobile phone to that database.

  1. In Keepass Android choose "Open File" and then "SFTP (SSH File Transfer)"
  2. There you have to enter the connection details:
    1. Host: $
    2. Port: 23
    3. Username: Your user name ;-)
      4: Authentication mode: Privat/Public Key

      1. choose "Send public key". You could send it via e-mail; the public key is not sensitive. Make sure you send it somwhere, where you can access it like in described.
      2. Save the public key to a file pubkey_android (you could change the key name at the end of the line of thet new file if you like).
      3. If you safed it like that, then you could run this:
        read -p "Enter your Hetzner's username: " USERNAME
        rsync --progress -e 'ssh -p23'  $USERNAME@$ .
        cat pubkey_android >> authorized_keys
        rsync --progress -e 'ssh -p23'  authorized_keys $USERNAME@$
    4. Initial directory: /home
  3. Now you can connect and choose your Keepass database file.

Sync Keepass DB to Hetzner’s StorageBox

Sync Keepass DB to Hetzner’s StorageBox published on

First you have to make sure, your public key is at your .ssh/authorized_keys on your StorageBox, see links provided at Now you could add some aliases to your ~/.bashrc, to safe your keepass db, do an additional backup to the folder keepass_backup, and a command to list all backups:

~/.pws/hetzner-vars alias pwsave='rsync -v --progress -e ssh -p23 $KEEPASSPATH/$KEEPASSFILE $HETZNERUSER@$'
alias pwbackup=\'rsync -v --progress -e ssh -p23 $KEEPASSPATH/$KEEPASSFILE $HETZNERUSER@$${KEEPASSFILE}_$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M)\'
alias pwlistbkp=\'ssh -p23 $HETZNERUSER@$ ls -l keepass_backup\' Your account details you have to put at

~/.pws/hetzner-vars and looks like (adjust to your need): export HETZNERUSER=uXXXXXX export KEEPASSPATH=~/.pws export KEEPASSFILE=keepass-filename.kdbx Additionally you could add some functions in your .bashrc:

pwgetbkp() {
    echo List of all backups
    read -p Type backup filename you want to restore:  _restore
    rsync -v --progress -e ssh -p23 $HETZNERUSER@$$_restore $_folder
pwdeletebkp() {
    echo List of all backups
    read -p Type backup filename you want to DELETE:  _delete
    echo rm /home/keepass_backup/$_delete  | sftp -P23 $HETZNERUSER@$

Force HTTPS in Tomcat

Force HTTPS in Tomcat published on

To force every webapp to use https instead of http, add the following part in $TOMCATHOME/conf/web. Insert it at the second last line, before end tag </web-apps>

        <web-resource-name>Entire Application</web-resource-name>